Jl. Rose Garden 1,Blok RRG 1 No.52, RT.002/RW.017, Jaka Setia, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat

Mulyadi Tutuk, SE, MP, CPC.

  • Karir Professional selama ± 25 tahun di dunia Keuangan dan Perbankan di Bank BUMN ( Bank Mandiri ) dengan posisi terakhir sebagai Kepala Cabang dan Internal Trainer di Mandiri University / Learning Center Bank Mandiri.
  • Certifications as a Trainer
  • National Certified Trainer BNSP
  • Wanna Be Trainer (WBT) by Akademi Trainer
  • Trainer Bootcamp and Contest (TBnC) by Akademi Trainer
  • Trainer Mentoring and Program (TEMPA) by Akademi Trainer
  • TOT Metodologi KKNI Level 3 by Focus Maxima
  • Ultimate NLP Public Speaking by Focus Maxima
  • Service & Company Image
  • Problem Solving Skill
  • Service Excellence
  • Handling Customer Complaint
  • Product Development Strategy
  • Leadership & Sales and Marketing
  • The Art of Leadership
  • Marketing Development Strategy
  • Finance Training
  • Finance for non Finance
  • Financial Planning for Employee
  • Public Speaking & Communication
  • Training of Trainer
  • Public Speaking Mastery
  • Communication & Presentation Skills
  • How to Grab Audience in Presentation
  • UMKM & Pensiun
  • Cara Cerdas Menjadi Pengusaha
  • Pengelolaan Keuangan untuk UMKM
  • Memasuki masa Pensiun dengan Senyum Bahagia
  • Training for Banking
  • Banking Product Knowledge
  • Banking Product Development Strategy
  • Banking Product Marketing Strategy
  • Banking Loan Management
  • How Bank can Think like Fintech
  • Professional Debt Collection Skills